Future University In Egypt (FUE)

About the Student Union

About the Student Union

The Student Union shall represent the interests and opinions of FUE students, shall provide for the government of registered student organizations, and shall promote the general welfare of the student body. The Student Union is the official representative of all FUE students. The Student Union shall govern all registered student organizations.

Voting members of the Student Union shall include its President and Vice President along with two elected representatives from each faculty and six elected at-large representatives. 

Organizational Structure of the Federation of University Students

Includes the University Students' Union Secretary and the Assistant Secretary for each of the following committees: 

  • The committee of clubs & communities is concerned with encouraging the formation of families and support their activities and coordination among the various colleges.
  • The committee of sports activity is responsible for organizing and promoting sports activities and the formation of sports teams and the establishment of games and sports competitions in order to develop sporting talent.
  • The committee for cultural activities is responsible for the organization of the various aspects of cultural activity and development of awareness of issues, including the concepts of citizenship and democracy, and a culture of human rights, community participation, and public action, and the development of the creative energies of students and their cultural rights.
  • The committee for activity in the arts is responsible for organizing artistic activities for students to highlight their talents and raise the level of artistic productions.
  • The committee of scouting and public service is responsible for supporting scouting and to participate in public service projects, and programs for the environment and society.
  • The committee for social activities and excursions specializes in organizing social, cultural, and recreational excursions, as well as the development of various social ties that inspire the spirit of cooperation between students and university faculty members and to assist in solving the problems of different students.
  • The committee for scientific and technological activity is responsible for holding seminars and lectures in order to develop scientific and technological capacities and the dissemination of awareness about the production and applications of science through clubs and scientific societies.
  • The committee of public relation and publicity is responsible for advertising and publicizing the activities of all committees and university activities and publicizing events inside and outside the university and documenting the activities of the union.

The Council of the University Students' Union each year shall comprise:

  • The Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, leader of the Union
  • Secretaries and assistant secretaries of the eight committees, to be elected to the council, including the secretary and assistant secretary of the Council of the University’s Student Union
  • The Vice President for Education and Students Affairs shall choose the consultant for each of the committees of the council of the union from among those members of faculty who have most experience in the fields of activity of the committee.
  • The Director of the Student Life and Welfare Department shall be secretary to the Fund Board.


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